50 Fearless Gratitude Affirmations to Start Using Today

From Fear to Freedom
From Fear to Freedom GUIDE topaz enhance sharpen hiresDOWNLOAD GUIDE

When was the last time you expressed gratitude? When was the last time you expressed gratitude OUT LOUD? If it’s been more than a day since the last time you thought about what you feel grateful for, you may benefit from including gratitude affirmations in your life.

No matter how bad you feel, how deep a rut you’re in, how stuck you are, or how much you feel the universe is against you, there's always something to be grateful for.

Even when things seem bleakest, we can usually find room to feel grateful for our friends and family, grateful for our health, grateful for the water, food, shelter, and safety we have, and grateful for the beauty of nature. Or hey, maybe you’re just grateful for pizza!

I keep a gratitude journal that consistently helps me when I’m feeling down. It’s something I can come back to time and time again to spark joy and remind me of all the wonderful things life has to offer. Whenever I’m unable to see goodness in my life and the world, I can count on my past self for the reminder.

Gratitude - woman on grassy hill looking at nature

And I encourage all of my clients to do the same. If you haven’t started one already, a Gratitude Journal is a Fearless Living staple, and I invite you to start your own. I discuss the importance of keeping a Gratitude Journal in this motivation article but watch for my full how-to guide coming soon to help you on your own personal gratitude journey.

Do Gratitude Affirmations Work?

At Fearless Living, you’ll often hear me say that I prefer intentions over affirmations. This is because intentions put you in control. Intentions are proactive and process-driven.

When we set intentions at Fearless Living, we use these important words: WILLING and PRACTICE. I am WILLING to PRACTICE…

For example:

I am WILLING to PRACTICE expressing gratitude.

I am WILLING to PRACTICE showing up for myself.

I am WILLING to PRACTICE going easy on myself.

Intentions are a key element of the Fearless Living program, but today, we’re going to take a closer look at affirmations instead. Affirmations can have value, and they do work for some people.

Consider gratitude affirmations as a starting point to begin to see the world in a more positive light. So often, we go from day to day without being thankful for all that is good in our lives. In our darkest times, there’s still something to be grateful for, even if it’s a simple flower blooming in your garden or not hitting any red lights on the way home from work.

We’re so caught up in what’s going wrong—because that’s what fear wants us to focus on—that we miss all the good. Gratitude practice is an extremely powerful tool for fighting against fear, and some powerful gratitude affirmations can go a long way. Stay tuned for my future article on how to keep a Gratitude Journal.

What Is the Difference Between Affirmation and Gratitude?

Gratitude equals grace. Gratitude is when we express gratefulness, either out loud or to ourselves. For example, “I am grateful for my cat because she makes me feel loved and needed every day.”

Gratitude helps us see the best in any situation. It can go far beyond surface-level thankfulness to tackle deep pains and past traumas. “I am so grateful for this difficult experience because it is helping me wake up.” You can be grateful for the opportunity to overcome an obstacle or to learn from your past.

It’s powerful stuff, and if you consistently make an effort to feel grateful for all the wonderful things life has to offer as well as life's challenges, it will change your neural pathways for the better.

An affirmation is when you state something positive about yourself with conviction to improve your attitude and wellbeing. For example, you might say, “I am brave. I am talented. I am strong.” The idea is the more you say these things about yourself, the more you’ll believe them, and the more positivity and rewards you’ll attract. Positive affirmations are designed to spark a more positive outlook.

A gratitude affirmation is an affirmation that focuses on all of the many ways we can feel and express gratitude.

Below I’ve listed 50 gratitude affirmations to get you started. Play around with them to find what works for you.

Say them out loud. Repeat them. If it helps, write them down to help you believe the words you are saying.

Do you feel gratitude? Which of these affirmations fill your heart? Which ones spark joy? Which reminds you of unconditional love? Which ones make you feel content? Which ones make you feel inner peace? Which make you want to share your gratitude, love, or a kind word with family members? Which sparks your creativity and drive for personal development?

50 Gratitude Affirmations

Woman praying at sunset against the sky in summer

Time in your busy life for expressing gratitude and repeating gratitude affirmations won’t just magically appear. Ensure you are intentional about carving out this time. Trust me—it’s worth it!

This is a time for you to take charge of your own life and make a CHOICE to do something for yourself. No one can force you to do it, and I’m not going to tell you that you HAVE TO.

YOU must make the CHOICE, a Fearless choice to prioritize gratitude. You might be thinking that carving out this time for yourself every day is selfish. You have family to take care of, work to do, dishes to clean! I hear ya!

But here’s the thing about wellness and self-care. Without it, we’re never running at 100%. You can’t be your best self when you’re not taking care of yourself. It’s not selfish to carve out moments of self-care. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. When you’re taken care of, you'll be better equipped to take care of those around you.

Learn more in my guide: How To Love Yourself: 7 Self-Love Tips You’ll Love.

For best results, begin to form a habit by repeating this practice at the same time every day.

Morning gratitude affirmations can start the day on a positive note. Afternoon gratitudes can be the pick-me-up that keeps you going for the rest of the day. Focusing on gratitude as part of your nighttime routine is an excellent way to conclude the day. It acts as a mindful reflection that transitions you into a calm state before bed, much like saying prayers before bed if you’re religious.

  1. I am thankful for this new day.
  2. I am grateful for the air in my lungs. (This one is best paired with a big deep breath.)
  3. I am proud of my journey so far.
  4. Today is a grand opportunity that I get to explore.
  5. I forgive myself.
  6. I am thankful for my ability to grow.
  7. I am grateful for my perceived failures because they have helped me learn.
  8. I appreciate myself for who I am.
  9. I appreciate others for who they are.
  10. I appreciate both my strengths and weaknesses because they make me human.
  11. I am designing my own life.
  12. I am not like everyone else. I am a unique human being, and that is something very special.
  13. I am thankful for the wide spectrum of emotions I get to experience.
  14. I am grateful for my health. My body is an intricate machine that is doing its best.
  15. I am grateful for my family and their endless support.
  16. I am honored by the effort I have put in today. I am making progress.
  17. Every day is a new opportunity to learn.
  18. I appreciate all the small pleasures in life.
  19. I appreciate the beauty of nature.
  20. I am blessed for all that I have in life.
  21. I am proud of my self-care because it is an expression of the love I have for myself.
  22. I am grateful for all the positive memories I hold in my mind.
  23. Thank you to the younger people in my life who have taught me joy, playfulness, and kindness.
  24. Thank you to the older people in my life who have taught me patience, resilience, and aging with grace.
  25. I am grateful for the journey, not the destination.
  26. Thank you to nature for your beauty and ability to heal.
  27. I understand the importance of balance and will continue to intentionally achieve it.
  28. I am aligning my life with my core values.
  29. I may not be able to control the outside world, but I do have control over my inner world.
  30. I appreciate every small step I take.
  31. I am thankful for the opportunity to help others.
  32. I will allow and fully embrace compliments from other people.
  33. I appreciate my body exactly as it is.
  34. I choose to see the best in life.
  35. The possibilities of life are beautiful. Anything is possible today.
  36. I have access to all of the basic necessities I need, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
  37. I appreciate every single person who was involved in bringing me the nourishing food I ate today.
  38. I refuse to take any of my friends or family members for granted.
  39. I am grateful for my pet(s) and their complete and unconditional love.
  40. I am thankful for every beautiful and unique creature that God placed on this Earth.
  41. I am grateful for the abundance of life that surrounds me.
  42. I recognize the infinite possibilities the universe presents, and I give thanks to every one of them.
  43. I am thankful to my parents for all that they taught me. I know that they did the very best they could at the time.
  44. I come to my partner with peace today. I am ready and willing to support, nurture, and grow our special relationship together.
  45. I love myself exactly as I am. I can love where I am now, even if I’m still working toward my goals.
  46. I trust that the universe is supporting me as best it can. It is guiding me along my destined path.
  47. Today will bring new challenges. I am ready for them and grateful for the lessons they will provide.
  48. I am excited for whatever the universe has in store for me.
  49. I am thankful for all that fear has taught me.
  50. I am living the life my soul intended™.

Do you have more to add to this list? Please reach out on social media to let us know what gratitude affirmations you find the most helpful.

If you enjoy affirmations and find them helpful, we have another long list of affirmations dedicated to practicing daily self-love. Read and save these 50 Fearless Self-Love Affirmations.

Your Fearless Journey Is Only Beginning

Many people struggle to make real progress with affirmations alone. I recommend combining affirmations with intentions, as intentions put you in the driver’s seat and encourage you to take action. Turn any goal you want to practice into an intention statement by using the words WILLING and PRACTICE. I am WILLING to PRACTICE…

I am WILLING to PRACTICE expressing gratitude.

I am WILLING to PRACTICE keeping a gratitude journal.

Set an intention to remind yourself of everything you feel grateful for every day. With consistent practice, you’ll begin to more easily recognize everything that’s good and kind and beautiful in your life and the world at large. Your life will change. Gratitude is a wonderful and powerful antidote to fear!

Join our Fearless You family to finally begin living the life your soul intended™. 

With Fearless You, you’ll learn the importance of gratitude and how to practice it. We teach how to express gratitude, treat yourself with compassion, get the most out of everyday life, set clear boundaries, and so much more. If you haven't already, sign up today! You’ll be forever grateful you did! 😉

Don’t forget to follow the Fearless Living blog for the latest guides and resources, and please reach out to our community online if you have any questions or simply need a friend to help guide your way.

From Fear to Freedom
From Fear to Freedom GUIDE topaz enhance sharpen hiresDOWNLOAD GUIDE

When was the last time you expressed gratitude? When was the last time you expressed gratitude OUT LOUD? If it’s been more than a day since the last time you thought about what you feel grateful for, you may benefit from including gratitude affirmations in your life.

No matter how bad you feel, how deep a rut you’re in, how stuck you are, or how much you feel the universe is against you, there's always something to be grateful for.

Even when things seem bleakest, we can usually find room to feel grateful for our friends and family, grateful for our health, grateful for the water, food, shelter, and safety we have, and grateful for the beauty of nature. Or hey, maybe you’re just grateful for pizza!

I keep a gratitude journal that consistently helps me when I’m feeling down. It’s something I can come back to time and time again to spark joy and remind me of all the wonderful things life has to offer. Whenever I’m unable to see goodness in my life and the world, I can count on my past self for the reminder.

Gratitude - woman on grassy hill looking at nature

And I encourage all of my clients to do the same. If you haven’t started one already, a Gratitude Journal is a Fearless Living staple, and I invite you to start your own. I discuss the importance of keeping a Gratitude Journal in this motivation article but watch for my full how-to guide coming soon to help you on your own personal gratitude journey.

Do Gratitude Affirmations Work?

At Fearless Living, you’ll often hear me say that I prefer intentions over affirmations. This is because intentions put you in control. Intentions are proactive and process-driven.

When we set intentions at Fearless Living, we use these important words: WILLING and PRACTICE. I am WILLING to PRACTICE…

For example:

I am WILLING to PRACTICE expressing gratitude.

I am WILLING to PRACTICE showing up for myself.

I am WILLING to PRACTICE going easy on myself.

Intentions are a key element of the Fearless Living program, but today, we’re going to take a closer look at affirmations instead. Affirmations can have value, and they do work for some people.

Consider gratitude affirmations as a starting point to begin to see the world in a more positive light. So often, we go from day to day without being thankful for all that is good in our lives. In our darkest times, there’s still something to be grateful for, even if it’s a simple flower blooming in your garden or not hitting any red lights on the way home from work.

We’re so caught up in what’s going wrong—because that’s what fear wants us to focus on—that we miss all the good. Gratitude practice is an extremely powerful tool for fighting against fear, and some powerful gratitude affirmations can go a long way. Stay tuned for my future article on how to keep a Gratitude Journal.

What Is the Difference Between Affirmation and Gratitude?

Gratitude equals grace. Gratitude is when we express gratefulness, either out loud or to ourselves. For example, “I am grateful for my cat because she makes me feel loved and needed every day.”

Gratitude helps us see the best in any situation. It can go far beyond surface-level thankfulness to tackle deep pains and past traumas. “I am so grateful for this difficult experience because it is helping me wake up.” You can be grateful for the opportunity to overcome an obstacle or to learn from your past.

It’s powerful stuff, and if you consistently make an effort to feel grateful for all the wonderful things life has to offer as well as life's challenges, it will change your neural pathways for the better.

An affirmation is when you state something positive about yourself with conviction to improve your attitude and wellbeing. For example, you might say, “I am brave. I am talented. I am strong.” The idea is the more you say these things about yourself, the more you’ll believe them, and the more positivity and rewards you’ll attract. Positive affirmations are designed to spark a more positive outlook.

A gratitude affirmation is an affirmation that focuses on all of the many ways we can feel and express gratitude.

Below I’ve listed 50 gratitude affirmations to get you started. Play around with them to find what works for you.

Say them out loud. Repeat them. If it helps, write them down to help you believe the words you are saying.

Do you feel gratitude? Which of these affirmations fill your heart? Which ones spark joy? Which reminds you of unconditional love? Which ones make you feel content? Which ones make you feel inner peace? Which make you want to share your gratitude, love, or a kind word with family members? Which sparks your creativity and drive for personal development?

50 Gratitude Affirmations

Woman praying at sunset against the sky in summer

Time in your busy life for expressing gratitude and repeating gratitude affirmations won’t just magically appear. Ensure you are intentional about carving out this time. Trust me—it’s worth it!

This is a time for you to take charge of your own life and make a CHOICE to do something for yourself. No one can force you to do it, and I’m not going to tell you that you HAVE TO.

YOU must make the CHOICE, a Fearless choice to prioritize gratitude. You might be thinking that carving out this time for yourself every day is selfish. You have family to take care of, work to do, dishes to clean! I hear ya!

But here’s the thing about wellness and self-care. Without it, we’re never running at 100%. You can’t be your best self when you’re not taking care of yourself. It’s not selfish to carve out moments of self-care. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. When you’re taken care of, you'll be better equipped to take care of those around you.

Learn more in my guide: How To Love Yourself: 7 Self-Love Tips You’ll Love.

For best results, begin to form a habit by repeating this practice at the same time every day.

Morning gratitude affirmations can start the day on a positive note. Afternoon gratitudes can be the pick-me-up that keeps you going for the rest of the day. Focusing on gratitude as part of your nighttime routine is an excellent way to conclude the day. It acts as a mindful reflection that transitions you into a calm state before bed, much like saying prayers before bed if you’re religious.

  1. I am thankful for this new day.
  2. I am grateful for the air in my lungs. (This one is best paired with a big deep breath.)
  3. I am proud of my journey so far.
  4. Today is a grand opportunity that I get to explore.
  5. I forgive myself.
  6. I am thankful for my ability to grow.
  7. I am grateful for my perceived failures because they have helped me learn.
  8. I appreciate myself for who I am.
  9. I appreciate others for who they are.
  10. I appreciate both my strengths and weaknesses because they make me human.
  11. I am designing my own life.
  12. I am not like everyone else. I am a unique human being, and that is something very special.
  13. I am thankful for the wide spectrum of emotions I get to experience.
  14. I am grateful for my health. My body is an intricate machine that is doing its best.
  15. I am grateful for my family and their endless support.
  16. I am honored by the effort I have put in today. I am making progress.
  17. Every day is a new opportunity to learn.
  18. I appreciate all the small pleasures in life.
  19. I appreciate the beauty of nature.
  20. I am blessed for all that I have in life.
  21. I am proud of my self-care because it is an expression of the love I have for myself.
  22. I am grateful for all the positive memories I hold in my mind.
  23. Thank you to the younger people in my life who have taught me joy, playfulness, and kindness.
  24. Thank you to the older people in my life who have taught me patience, resilience, and aging with grace.
  25. I am grateful for the journey, not the destination.
  26. Thank you to nature for your beauty and ability to heal.
  27. I understand the importance of balance and will continue to intentionally achieve it.
  28. I am aligning my life with my core values.
  29. I may not be able to control the outside world, but I do have control over my inner world.
  30. I appreciate every small step I take.
  31. I am thankful for the opportunity to help others.
  32. I will allow and fully embrace compliments from other people.
  33. I appreciate my body exactly as it is.
  34. I choose to see the best in life.
  35. The possibilities of life are beautiful. Anything is possible today.
  36. I have access to all of the basic necessities I need, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
  37. I appreciate every single person who was involved in bringing me the nourishing food I ate today.
  38. I refuse to take any of my friends or family members for granted.
  39. I am grateful for my pet(s) and their complete and unconditional love.
  40. I am thankful for every beautiful and unique creature that God placed on this Earth.
  41. I am grateful for the abundance of life that surrounds me.
  42. I recognize the infinite possibilities the universe presents, and I give thanks to every one of them.
  43. I am thankful to my parents for all that they taught me. I know that they did the very best they could at the time.
  44. I come to my partner with peace today. I am ready and willing to support, nurture, and grow our special relationship together.
  45. I love myself exactly as I am. I can love where I am now, even if I’m still working toward my goals.
  46. I trust that the universe is supporting me as best it can. It is guiding me along my destined path.
  47. Today will bring new challenges. I am ready for them and grateful for the lessons they will provide.
  48. I am excited for whatever the universe has in store for me.
  49. I am thankful for all that fear has taught me.
  50. I am living the life my soul intended™.

Do you have more to add to this list? Please reach out on social media to let us know what gratitude affirmations you find the most helpful.

If you enjoy affirmations and find them helpful, we have another long list of affirmations dedicated to practicing daily self-love. Read and save these 50 Fearless Self-Love Affirmations.

Your Fearless Journey Is Only Beginning

Many people struggle to make real progress with affirmations alone. I recommend combining affirmations with intentions, as intentions put you in the driver’s seat and encourage you to take action. Turn any goal you want to practice into an intention statement by using the words WILLING and PRACTICE. I am WILLING to PRACTICE…

I am WILLING to PRACTICE expressing gratitude.

I am WILLING to PRACTICE keeping a gratitude journal.

Set an intention to remind yourself of everything you feel grateful for every day. With consistent practice, you’ll begin to more easily recognize everything that’s good and kind and beautiful in your life and the world at large. Your life will change. Gratitude is a wonderful and powerful antidote to fear!

Join our Fearless You family to finally begin living the life your soul intended™. 

With Fearless You, you’ll learn the importance of gratitude and how to practice it. We teach how to express gratitude, treat yourself with compassion, get the most out of everyday life, set clear boundaries, and so much more. If you haven't already, sign up today! You’ll be forever grateful you did! 😉

Don’t forget to follow the Fearless Living blog for the latest guides and resources, and please reach out to our community online if you have any questions or simply need a friend to help guide your way.

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