Want to work with a Coach?

There are 500+ Certified Fearless Living Coaches who can help you transform your life in as little as one session.

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These are the only Coaches in the world trained in how to help you master fear. They can help you step into the most confident, authentic version of yourself and create the authentic version of yourself so you can live the life your soul intended.

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Whether You Can: 
Want To:

  • Start a business and become financially free
  • Find a new career you’re passionate about
  • Get a raise and promotion at work
  • Overcome procrastination (so you can write that book, promote your business, declutter your home, etc.)
  • Have deeper connections with your kids, friends, and partner
  • Wake up with a sense of purpose and go to bed feeling fulfilled
  • Lose weight without some impossible diet you can’t stick to
  • Find love
  • Let go of the past and enjoy life again…

...And our Coaches can help!

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Here’s What To Do Now

You can pick from a wide range of Coaches to work with, including
Certified Fearless Living Coaches and Master Certified Fearless Living Coaches.

aneta profile picture
Aneta Michalczuk
Traverse City, Michigan, United States
denise profile picture
Denise Duran
BRENTWOOD, California, United States
denise certificatedenise advance certificate
dionetta profile picture
Dionetta Hudzinski
Yakima, Washington, United States
denise advance certificate
Load More Available Certified Fearless Living Coaches

You’ll find contact information for each Coach on their page. Simply reach out and let them know you are interested in coaching.

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If you need help finding the best Coach for you, click the Contact Us button. We'll help match you with a Certified Fearless Living Coach who specializes in whatever challenge, or opportunity, you face.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What’s The Difference Between A Master Certified Fearless Living Coach And A Regular Certified Fearless Living Coach?
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All Certified Fearless Living Coaches have gone through a rigorous 9-month training program. They received 75+ hours of training with real clients while getting feedback from Master Coaches.

Our Life Coach Certification Program is considered the “Ivy League” of life coaching schools. All graduates leave with the skills and tools to help anyone live fearlessly.

Master Certified Fearless Living Coaches have gone a step further. These are our most experienced coaches and have completed the Master’s training, which includes a minimum of 750 documented 1:1 coaching hours.
What If I Only Want Help Uncovering My Wheel Of Fear/Wheel Of Freedom?
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